Immigrant Ships
Transcribers Guild

Bark Neptune

Bremen, Germany to Galveston, Texas
13 June 1850

Master's Name - Vespermann
There was no Captain's statement attached to this manifest.
List of Passengers arrived from Foreign Ports in the port of Galveston during the quarter ending June 30, 1850
Columns represent: passenger number, given name, surname, age, sex, occupation, country to which they belong.
Column heading from a Bark Neptune manifest in 1847, written by Captain Vespermann.
  1  Edward       Wagner      25  M Jurist      Amesbach
  2  Edward       Haerter     30  M             Crawinkel
  3  Victor       Witte       29  M             Hanover
  4  Anna         Witte       21  F
  5  Ferdinand    Hagerdorn   12  M
  6  Marie        Witte        2  F  7* Helene       Witte        9m F
  8  Analie       Kuhn        43  F             Burg
  9  Albert       Cornelius   35  M Merchant    Sonnebonn
 10  Emilie       Cornelius   24  F
 11* Julius       Cornelius    9m M
 12* C'fred       Muller      50  M Lace-Maker  Frohnen
 13  Franz        Lange       45  M Miller      Nakenhein
 14  Chatarina    Lange       35  F
 15  Lugwig       Lange       11  M
 16  Lena         Lange        8  F
 17  Eva          Lange        5  F
 18  Johann       Lange        4  M
 19  Carl         Lange        3  M
 20  Wilhelm      Protzel     37  M Farmer      Fallersleben
 21* Chr.         Passemann   35  M
 22* Fried'r      Satter      43  M Cooper      Blankenburg
 23* Johann       Satter      32  M
 24* Heinrich     Satter       8  M
 25* Fried'r      Satter       3  M
 26* Carl         Satter      44  M Dyer
 27* Carl         Schulz      48  M Taylor      Derenburg
 28  Johann       Schulz      46  M
 29  Carl         Schulz      19  M
 30  Louise       Schulz      16  F
 31  Fritz        Schulz      12  M
 32  Hermann      Schulz      11  M
 33  Robert       Schulz       5  M
 34* Ch'r         Simon       48  M Weaver
 35  Johann       Simon       50  M
 36* Fried'r      Simon       23  M
 37  August       Simon       17  M
 38  Chatarine    Pfeiffer    36  F
 39* August       Streithorst 32  M
 40* Friederich   Streithorst  6  M
 41  Victor       Kohmeke     27  M Brickmaker  Burg
 42* Johann Hr.   Boshe       22  M Tinman      Sudwey
 43* Wilhelm      Heise       36  M Joiner      Burg
 44* Aug          Bahle       29  M Shoemaker     
 45  Anton        Roth        25  M Farmer      Amerbach
 46* Joh. Frz.    Hosig       49  M Carpenter   Loeban
 47  Johann       Hosig       50  M             Loeban
 48  C. G.        Richter     35  M Carpenter   Beyersdorf
 49  Wilhelm      Schroeder   27  M Baker       Detmold
 50* Ferd.        Schroeder   18  M Taylor
 51* Aug.         Bodeker     23  M Baker
 52  E.           Priester    21  M Merchant
 53  Phillip      Braubach    21  M             Wiesbaden
 54  Harvie       Englemartre 29  M             Lauebforde
 55* Carl         Nassmald    20  M Merchant    Burg
 56  Wilhelm      Teulmeyer   58  M Tanner      Salzaffen
 57  Louise       Teulmeyer   54  F
 58  Fritz        Teulmeyer   19  M
 59  Elise        Teulmeyer   21  F
 60  Louise       Teulmeyer   12  F
 61  Wilhelmine   Teulmeyer   10  F
 62  H. W.        Danenhammer 29  M Farmer      Winkelshutten
 63* Wilhelm      Kummins     42  M Butcher     Burg
 64* Friedrich    Buding      24  M
 65  Jacob        Dageliang   46  M Shoemaker   Uplethe
 66  Hetta        Dageliang   27  F
 67  Doris        Dageliang   21  F
 68  Theodor      Dageliang   18  M
 69  Ernst        Dageliang   12  M
 70* Friedr.      Dageliang    8  M
 71* Chatarina    Wellerz     21  F
 72  Gerhard      Stoffelmann 46  M Farmer      Beckhaussen
 73  Margarithe   Stoffelmann 40  F
 74  Anna         Stoffelmann  6  F
 75* Joh          Fidken      34  M Farmer      Aschhaussen
 76  Helena       Fidken      36  F
 77* Luker        Fidken       9  F
 78  Helena       Fidken       3  F
 79* Gerd         Fiken       21  M
 80  Heinrich     Heinsohn    31  M Shoemaker   Jaderburg
 81  Chatarine    Heinsohn    33  F
 82  Diedrich     Heinsohn    9m  M
 83* Heinrich     Ehlerz      25  M Shoemaker
 84* Doretha      Steines     21  F             Berlin
 85  Johann       Steines      2  M
 86  Wilhelmine   Meyer       32  F             Konigsburg
 87  Adelbert     Meyer       12  M
 88  Richard      Meyer       10  M
 89  Emil         Meyer        8  M
 90  Franziska    Meyer        6  F
 91  Betty        Meyer        4  F
 92  Johann       Knickkel  61  M Farmer      Lassan
 93  Louise       Knickkel  50  F
 94  Ferdinand    Knickkel  26  M
 95* Ernst        Knickkel  24  F
 96* Friedr.      Hillert     27  M Carpenter   Stellin
 97* Friedr.      Koch      48  M Farmer      Lassan
 98  Augusto      Koch      34  M
 99  Augusto      Koch      12  M
100* Cristine     Koch       8  M
101  Alwine       Koch       6  M
102  Frederich    Koch       5  M
103  Peter        Koch       2  M
104* Christian    Koch       9m M
105* Christo      Gentz      56  M Farmer      Usedam
106  Charlotte    Gentz      54  F
107  Fredinke     Gentz      17  F
108* Alwine       Gentz      12  M
109* Johann       Gentz      12  M
110* Carl Friedr  Gentz      10  M
111  Carl Ferdin  Gentz       6  M
112  Onivatius    Weber       28  M Shoemaker   Hildenz

Captain Vespermann's signature from a Bark Neptune voyage in 1847
Transcriber's notes: * An asterisk indicates an error on the part of the original recorder, not the transcriber, or is used to call your attention to additional information in the transcriber's notes. * Column Country to which they intend to become inhabitants was eliminated. Texas was written on the first line only. There were no ditto marks. I assume this was the destination for all passengers. * Last column - Died on board - was eliminated. There were no deaths listed. Passenger Notes: (snip) # 95 - Ernst Knickkel is listed as a Female - name sounds Masculine, although it may be an abbreviation for Ernestine # 96 - Friedr Hillert - may be an abbreviation for Friedrich # 97 - Friedr Koch - may be an abbreviation for Friedrich #100 - Cristine Koch - could be Ernestine Koch. Listed as a Male, but names sound Feminine #104 - Christian Koch - Age 3/4, 9 month old infant #108 - Alwine Gentz - Age 12, Male Alwine and Johann Gentz may be twins #109 - Johann Gentz - Age 12, Male Alwine and Johann Gentz may be twins #110 - Carl Friedr Gentz - Friedr may be an abbreviation for Friedrich Correspondence January 17, 2008 - Passengers 105-111 GENZ I am a decendent of Christopher & Charlott Genz, listed on the Bark Neptune from Breman, arriving in Galveston June 13, 1850. Our information: GEORGE CHRISTIAN GENTZ was born 11 Aug 1794 in Usedom, Prussia, and died 1868 in Port Neches (Grigsby Bluff), Texas. He married CHARLOTTE UECKER Abt. 1827 in Usedom, Prussia. She was born 1798 in Usedom, Prussia, and died Aft. 1880 in Port Neches (Grigsby Bluff), Texas. George Christian and Charlotte Gentz and their six grown children moved to Wiess Bluff in Jasper County, Texas, a few years before moving back to Grigsby’s Bluff about 1853, where in 1858 they built their home at Block’s bayou (now Oak Bluff Memorial Park), on land belonging to T. F. McKinney. George Christian Gentz was first burial in Oak Bluff (marker in place). After Christian Gentz’ death in 1868 at age 75, the house and land were purchased by Albert Block, born in Prussia in 1843, who arrived from Breman in 1846. Many other Gentz's were buried in old family cemetery on William Gentz property (sold to DuPont Chemical in 1950's) and cemetery remains moved to Forest Lawn in Beaumont, under T.F. Smith Homestead markers and Magnolia Cemetery, also in Beaumont. Added by Debbie Courts Spurgeon Orange, Texas
(See Debbie's page within this site here)
National Archives and Records Administration, Film M575, Reel 3.
Transcribed by Jo Schornak, a member of the
Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild
22 December 2001

Technically, "Bark" or "Barque" is the kind of ship, and "Neptune" name of the barque. Unable to find information about "our" bark Neptune, there is some information on the type of ship she was, the barque.

Quoting "A barque is a vessel with at least three masts, all of them fully square rigged except for the sternmost one, which is fore-and-aft rigged.

"A vessel that has at least three masts, all of them fully square rigged is called a full-rigged ship or just a ship. Most such ships also have a small gaff sail on their sternmost mast. Note that usage of the term ship often leads to confusion because any large vessel is commonly regarded a ship, although strictly speaking only full-rigged ships are ships.

"The ship on the picture is perhaps the most well-known full-rigged ship ever, the Cutty Sark.

"The full-rigged ship was a very common deep-water cargo-carrier in the 19th century. By far most of them had three masts, but many four-masted ships were built at the end of the 19th century."

Record found at Ice Data
"11 May 1880 Off River St.Lawrence, from Queenstown (Ireland) Bark NEPTUNE hit berg Crew lifted from boats by GANGER ROLF (GANGER ROLF emigrant ship from Norway) Sank"


Update posted 30 Apr 2010:
Subsequent to Debbie's posting the above to the "Immigrant Ships" website in 2008, this researcher has discovered that the Koch (Cook) and Knickkle (Knupple) families were family members with the Gentz family. The families made the voyage together to America and all were found living as neighbors in the 1850 Jasper County Census. Soon thereafter they eventually moved on, with the Gentz and Maass families settling in Jefferson County, and Cook and Knupple families settling in Hardin County, Texas.

Familial relationships are laid out within the pages of this website.


You can view the complete website here Immigrant Ships, Transcribers Guild, Bark Neptune. This partial duplication is purely for the preservation of the document and the validation of this family's ancestors' immigration.
Sherry Sharp, Website owner