SPEAK UP: Did the judge make the right ruling in the South Park case?

January 8, 2010
Posted: January 8, 2010, 4:48 PM CST

Last updated: January 8, 2010, 4:52 PM CST

District Judge Bob Wortham ruled that Beaumont ISD can't use money from the 2007 bond election to demolish the 87-year-old South Park Middle School.

The ruling didn't ban the district from spending non-bond money to demolish the school, said Melody Chappell, the school district's attorney.

South Park High School alumni want the building renovated.

The district wants to demolish the school and build a new one to serve what it says will be a growing student population. The district has already approved spending non-bond money to hire a contractor to demolition the school. Chappell said that could happen any time after the judge signs the order.


bluedog23 wrote:
I think this building is going down. It is really a simple matter of saying that non bond issue funds were used for demolition. Voters should have acted long ago and did not; they allowed a small minority to elect the school board who continue to endorse and support Dr. Thomas. This action among others is the result of that voter apathy.
01/09/2010 10:34 PM CST

timwopel wrote:
vocal minority
01/09/2010 06:14 PM CST

EPN wrote:
Has BISD officially said they were going to tear it down regardless? Could it be that the attorney for BISD was just miffed that she lost? If they do go thru with it, I really like the idea of Dr. Lying-his-a$$ off being inside it!
01/09/2010 05:36 PM CST

patriceok wrote:
I hope BISD takes the spirit of the ruling and saves South Park. The front page of the Bmt Ent says that the school district has already said they are still going to tear it down, just use other money. That is just wrong. There are other options that have proposed that allow a new school on the vacant land right behind the old MacArthur. Save that wonderful old building. Why can't they just renovate the old building for another purpose? Someone here suggests a new administration building or communicty center. I like moving the Admin's down there - the sound end could use the job boost. That area used to have mom/pop businesses when they had a high school. Plus the Admin's would have Lamar in their backyard for their continuing education. What a wonderful win/win situation. The south end would get new jobs and a new school. Wouldn't it be wondeful for BISD to start a revitlaization effort int hat area with new jobs? Please BISD use your common sense and do what's right for Beaumont!
01/09/2010 04:45 PM CST

Beekeeper wrote:
The South Park building doesn't have to be torn down. There's room to build a nice new school on Maddox St. The simple truth is Carroll Thomas WANTS it torn down to prove he can do anything he wants. Judge Wortham should have ruled so that the South Park building must remain standing and should be renovated to adhere to it's current appearance. That's what they do to French Quarter buildings of New Orleans. They must keep their outward appearance for historic value. It's awkward how a city the size of NO knows how to preserve history and yet a moderate school district like BISD is clueless. If Carroll Thomas is ever hired by the San Antonio ISD we'll lose our Alamo there too.
01/09/2010 03:03 PM CST

GALATIONS 4:16 wrote:
Oh but we sure kept the panther pride and the dump of a building that goes with it. This City is so racially divided and Black America stands around with their hands out thinking someone owes me something or because their own people sold some distant relative into slavery that they should always get their way. Statistics dont lie. No other race in this nation is enslaved to poverty like the black race. The Russians were right. A single shot will not have to be fired to take this nation down. We will fall from within.
01/09/2010 02:42 PM CST

Greenie48 wrote:
Dr. Richard Setzer taught a senior class entitled "History of Economic Thought" in 1953 at Lamar Tech (now Lamar University). He stated that the closer a governmental body is to the people, the more corrupt it is apt to be. Attention is focused by the media on the national and state offices, while local officeholders who are friends or associates can escape the severe scrutiny they deserve. His final statement rings true today " Some of the most venal and corrupt governing bodies can be local school boards." I made an "A" and still cherish his memory. Tearing the school down would be an economic waste of the district taxpayer money.
01/09/2010 02:02 PM CST

4Fun wrote:
Nobody complained when bond money was used to demolish Charlton Pollard High School, nor Lincoln High School, why should it matter period.
01/09/2010 01:12 PM CST

Truthseeker wrote:
Beauxwill, a full renovation and update was estimated to cost LESS THAN HALF of what the district claims a new building will cost.
01/09/2010 01:10 PM CST

Truthseeker wrote:
Axiom: exactly! History is history, and it's important. South Park is important to all who call Beaumont home, race and creed aside. The real losers here are indeed the children, for they are having their own history shattered before their eyes with the blessing of those who are appointed to guide and instruct them. All hail another generation of pathetic youth for whom a new chain restaurant, the latest phone, and bread-and-circus sports mania are the guiding lights. Roots, history, education, be damned! Enslavement to the new and (so-called) improved requires no thought, no commitment, and no courage...only wads of other people's money and a fat cache of lies and deceit. Make no mistake: the destruction of this historic structure will be an indelible scar on the face of Beaumont, Texas, delivered by the cold, uncaring whip of Carrol Thomas and his heinous puppet masters, seared into the collective memory of all who consider this city and this landmark their own. To the disingenuous windbags who'll strike (fool's) gold with their new Fibrebond monstrosity, may your eyes be forever obscured by the glorious dust of Reuben Harrison Hunt's south end jewel, South Park.
01/09/2010 01:07 PM CST

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I Can understand the feelings of the people that do not want the building demolished, but who will pay for the renovations of the building? That will not come cheap. The school district should not be responsible for that cost and I do not think the people wanting to save the building can afford it. I think that the Beaumont Independent School Board should be replaced, just as everyone in any office should be, It is time to clean up things.
01/09/2010 12:38 PM CST

pall2509 wrote:
escem59, what are you talking about? no high school has been left unchanged. no doubt that BISD does not follow a maintenance program.
01/09/2010 11:56 AM CST

bigmomma wrote:
So ESCM59...your saying that the now seated school board and the blacks in this district are exacting a little revenge for tearing down "black" schools of the past?
01/09/2010 11:56 AM CST

soccermom2 wrote:
Love what Axiom wrote. If that grand historical building had been maintained as it should have over the years after BISD merged with South Park, we would not be in this predicament. There is no doubt that Dr. Thomas WILL tear down South Park, because the man has no morals or scruples. That has been proven time and time agan. The taxpayers of Beaumont will pay for the demolition of South Park AND a new school that will last maybe 20 years because it will be cheaply built. I don't know how Dr. Thomas and the school board can sleep at night.
01/09/2010 11:49 AM CST

ESCEM59 wrote:
The worm has turned.It seems to be that for years B.I.S.D had a mostly white majority as the makeup of the scool board.Which in a matter of rulings decided to tear down all the predominantly black scools within the city. Even as the alumnus tried in vain to rescue thier beloved alma matars the boards went ahead and did what it set out to do,destroy all vestiges of Beaumonts black school history.Now that the board holds a predominantly african american makeup it wants to,and seems entirely intent to return the favor with jubilation.
01/09/2010 11:31 AM CST

redbunny wrote:
Sorry notice, dont need a sheet, aint scared of a colored boy.
01/09/2010 11:06 AM CST

Axiom wrote:
History is history. Whether it's in the form of words in a book or an edifice standing tall. Please don't ask in January to demolish a historic significant Beaumont landmark and then in February ask to celebrate black history month. That would be hypocrisy. History is history.
01/09/2010 10:39 AM CST

notice wrote:
The student body at SPMS are the real losers- to the people who think Beaumont has become to black move"white flight" go back to where you came from if you know your orgin- dont let the street light catch you in Beaumont without your sheets- stop hiding behind your day jobs we know who you are- are you scared?
01/09/2010 09:59 AM CST

LeoP Flood wrote:
The answered seem to favor the decision nomatter what you check; this is wrong. What happen to the Question, "Should it be torn down?" I,for one, feel that we are neglecting out children by not tearing it down or sell it to the alumni and purchase land somewhere where BISD can get a school constructed to serve our children. We have forgotten this in this matter. To me, it indicates that there are those that doesn't want our children educated; they rather keep an outdated building than to educate the children. People of the community need to step up and demand that the school be torn down or the alumni purchase it so that the school that is needed to educate the children be constructed.
01/09/2010 09:28 AM CST

billygoat wrote:
The BISD board will most likely give Thomas a bonous ! And you fools in Bmt are paying this jackass over $6500 a week ? Unbelievable
01/09/2010 08:33 AM CST

fredsaid wrote:
If Thomas continues with his, Tribal Chief Management Style, and destroys a historic building just to prove he can, then he is a far worse person than I had ever dreamt he could be. Once that building is destroyed it will be gone forever. As it is now I think he is a lying sack of shit! If the building is destroyed, "Woe unto him that buildeth his house by unrighteousness, ....
01/09/2010 08:24 AM CST

the rat chaser wrote:
Folks, don't you realize that the district had already secured bids for the demolition of South Park several months ago. This article said that the district had already gotten approval to spend "non-bond money" to demolish South Park. I'm sure before the ink completely dries on Judge Wortham's orders, that Dr. Thomas will order the wrecking ball to proceed. Dr. Thomas has NO RESPECT for the historical value of the South Park Building or the South Park Community. It's time for the SOUTH TO RISE AGAIN and vote the board members of your district OUT.
01/09/2010 08:19 AM CST

GREENIE 1969 wrote:
I beleive BISD patrons will get in touch with their rep. and protest demolition of South Park
01/09/2010 07:39 AM CST

randyste wrote:
Did the judge make the right ruling in the South Park case?!? Are you serious? He's a judge! Judges are elected to their job to make these type decisions. Who else other than an appellant court can question what a judge decides in cases like this.
01/09/2010 06:35 AM CST

buddy wrote:
I think Thomas should witness the demolition from inside the school.
01/08/2010 06:58 PM CST

Quanell Xlax wrote:
Thomas will have demo equipment on site before the ikn dries. Greenies better go take some pictures.
01/08/2010 05:53 PM CST

pall2509 wrote:
That scum Wortham must have been fed some of that BBC fron Thomas as he left open a loop hole. The ruling means nothing. BISD can say whatever they want and not be held accountable. They are all full of bull!
01/08/2010 05:25 PM CST

edoyle7 wrote:
If carrol thomas has this building demolished by fiat no matter where the money comes from, he should be charged with contempt.
01/08/2010 05:08 PM CST

GALATIONS 4:16 wrote:
Jessie, is your office warm, Love. Carroll
01/08/2010 04:59 PM CST