South Park school could fall in 30 days

January 13, 2010
Posted: January 12, 2010, 7:06 PM CST Last updated: January 12, 2010, 7:10 PM CST

What happens next for South Park Middle School is becoming clearer: Once 58th District Court Judge Bob Wortham's order is in, the wrecking ball will probably come out, quickly followed by the construction workers.

And the order is supposed to be done within 30 days, he said. Wortham didn't announce a timeline in his ruling Friday.

Beaumont Heritage Society attorney Michael Getz must get a draft to Wortham by early February, the judge said.

That should relieve fears that Getz would drag his feet in order to stave off the the school's demolition by the district.

But school officials still have concerns.

"We waited for three months and then the judge didn't have an order," BISD attorney Melody Chappell said by phone regarding what's happened so far. "We're a bit uneasy because we're kind of at Mr. Getz's mercy."

He said having the prevailing party's attorney draft the order is standard procedure.

Getz said he has questions for Wortham.


bigmomma wrote:
I hate that this is happening to such a great building. If they are going to destroy this grand relic are they at least going to salvage some of the wonderful detail? I have a building on one of our properties that is constructed from materials we salvaged from an old courthouse in West Texas. The doors are heavy with a glass panel and even some of the door knobs are glass. My grand children love the chalkboards that run down one wall. If your going to smash least salvage what you can...what a waste. If this doesn't move the folks in BISD district to change their board and replace their Superintendent, nothing will.
01/13/2010 07:32 AM CST

fredsaid wrote:
DR Thomas is a lying sake of shit, and there will be hell to pay if he tears down this historic, very well built structure!
01/13/2010 07:20 AM CST

HillebrandtHoney wrote:
Wavy Gravy - you are right - it's all about winning, not about what's right.
01/13/2010 07:08 AM CST

HillebrandtHoney wrote:
So BISD is not going to listen to what people want and what the court says is right and is Hell bent on tearing it down? What is wrong wth those people. Do they have a bottomless pit of money? If they can't use bond money, they are going to use money that was set for operating expenses to tear it down? Then they have too much money laying around! Come on BISD board members, wake up and stop the madness.
01/13/2010 07:08 AM CST
south east texas dweller wrote:
South Park South Park dear old South Park time a crane will bring, still the name of South Park High School evermore we'll sing.
01/13/2010 06:28 AM CST
Wavy Gravy wrote:
Thomas is rushing to put the finishing touches on his long-term 'destroy South Park at all costs' agenda. If there ever was a opportune time for lightning to strike a bolt out of the is now.
01/13/2010 03:29 AM CST

Ringo wrote:
Good luck, Michael. I know you'll ask the judge some good, tough questions. You've done better than anyone could under the circumstances of having to deal with the likes of BISD. Thanks for your efforts.
01/13/2010 03:10 AM CST