Judge won't hear Greenies' case until next week

March 16, 2010
Posted: March 16, 2010, 11:54 AM CDT Last updated: March 16, 2010, 1:24 PM CDT

Supporters of the move to keep Beaumont Independent School District from using any of its money to tear down South Park High School will have to wait another week to see what 58th District Court Judge Bob Wortham has to say about that request.

Court officials said the hearing, which had been scheduled for Wednesday, now has been delayed until Tuesday, March 23.

Jan. 8, Wortham granted a permanent injunction prohibiting the district from using bond money to tear down the building, which the district maintains is too dilapidated and wrongly configured to meet current educational standards. He did not address the use of other funds the district has on hand.

Michael Getz, lawyer representing the anti-demolition Greenies, wants Wortham to modify his order so it prohibits the district from using nonbond funds and to make it permanent.


GREENIE 1969 wrote:
Don't forget March 23 either
03/19/2010 02:32 PM CDT

GREENIE 1969 wrote:
Legaleagle thanks for you comment. BISD has lied so many times . It is not emotional issur We were told they would leave SP alone.More and More I get emails saying BISD has lied again.WATCH OUT FOR APRIL 10
03/18/2010 12:28 PM CDT

drtragic wrote:
leagaleagle, thanks for the insight?? I kept seeing the headline and i don't follow BMT politics that close. Understand your frustration.
03/16/2010 08:01 PM CDT

legaleagle wrote:
Drtragic, This is not just an emotional issue for a bunch of Greenies. The bigger issue is that BISD promised, in writing, before the 2007 bond election - that if the bond election were to pass, there would be no demolition of the South Park school building. After the election passed, it was revealled that BISD had planned to tear down the building all along. Furthermore, BISD's own engineer's compiled a report showing that the building was structurally sound. In court, the evidence demonstrated that the building could be renovated and made state of the art for 20 million and that BISD wants to tear it down and put up a prefabricated school at a cost of 43 million. Now do you get it?? It does not make sense, morally or financially.
03/16/2010 06:53 PM CDT

EPN wrote:
Drtragic, it's not about keeping the students from getting a new school, we just do not want the SP bldg torn down. Why can't BISD do both, preserve the history by keeping the old bldg AND build a new school, if they want a new school so badly.
03/16/2010 03:51 PM CDT

GALATIONS 4:16 wrote:
drtragic, Do you really think a new building will help them learn? BISD could have repaired this building by now. Fix South Park and spend the difference educating the parents on how to stay married and raise their children and quit having babies at 15.
03/16/2010 03:08 PM CDT

drtragic wrote:
I don't understand the position of the Greenies? Why do they want to stop students from going to new and better school? What do the Greenies want? I didn't grow up here, so whats the big deal?
03/16/2010 02:50 PM CDT

fredsaid wrote:
"I have no idea," Thomas said. "I don't know about all of this. It is something that we didn't know about. I can't make any comments about it whatsoever when I don't know about it. So, I would rather find out about it before I made any comments about it."
03/16/2010 02:40 PM CDT

timwopel wrote:
where is mark twain now? oh yeah, dead and gone. bye bye building.
03/16/2010 02:35 PM CDT

GREENIE 1969 wrote:
03/16/2010 01:47 PM CDT

legaleagle wrote:
The troll seems pretty sure of himself. I guess he has overlooked that even if Judge Wortham does not modify his prior order, there is a Court of Appeals and a long appellate battle ahead. To paraphrase Mark Twain, the rumors of South Park's demise have been greatly exagerated.
03/16/2010 01:14 PM CDT

mae wrote:
03/16/2010 12:57 PM CDT

timwopel wrote:
bye bye building...
03/16/2010 12:55 PM CDT

mae wrote:
03/16/2010 12:53 PM CDT