South Park Testimony Ends With Battle Over Renovation Costs

A new dynamic in the courtroom, and discussion of numbers ends the testimony in the South Park hearing.

Story Created: Sep 22, 2009 at 3:47 PM CDT
Story Updated: Sep 22, 2009 at 6:22 PM CDT

Final testimony and closing statements were heard in Judge Wortham's court this morning regarding South Park Middle School, and Tuesday's arguments were over numbers. 12 News reporter Liz McKernan has the story.

The arguments continued in the South Park hearing, and brought a new dynamic in the courtroom with a number of supporters in favor of tearing down the old South Park filling the benches.

"A new school needs to be built and the children in this community get what they were promised to get, and that was a new school and that's right. That's what was voted and stated and that's what should take place" said David Pete of the South Park P.T.A.

"I think the taxpayers that voted for the bond did so on the fact that South Park would not be torn down. They were mislead" said Darlene Chodzinski with the Beaumont Heritage Society.

While Monday disputed statements released by B.I.S.D., Tuesday brought up the question of numbers - whether or not it would be cheaper to renovate the school for less than 20 million dollars was hotly debated.

"Its up to the board to determine whether that school should be renovated. Not the judge and not some independent outside person" said B.I.S.D. attorney Melody Chappell.

Both sides heard testimony from an engineer and a construction manager, who disagreed over whether it would be cheaper to renovate the building, instead of rebuilding it.

"I think that you can't look at the final vote as being a true gauge as to what the voters wanted, because what they voted for and what they're getting are two different things" said Beaumont Heritage Society attorney Michael Getz.

Judge Wortham requested both sides consider looking into a neutral third party engineer to give an un-biased report on reconstruction numbers. B.I.S.D. however, argued that reconstruction was never mentioned in the 2007 bond.

"There is nothing in the bond proposal that talked about renovating South Park. That is not what the community voted on. Nowhere did they vote to renovate that school" said Chappell.

"There's a lot of voters that would have not voted for the bond, if they had known that ultimately it meant the destruction of the school" said Getz.

Both sides hope that their case will be heard, and considered in the judge's final decision.

Judge Wortham said he will make a prompt decision on the matter, but wants to make sure he takes his time to make sure that the decision made is done right.


11:25 AM Anonymous wrote ...
Ike Money went into some deep pockets but not into the schools!
11:23 AM

Anonymous wrote ...
Bringing Race into this is the stupidest possible thing that can happen! I am white - I went to SPMS and I loved being there! This is about lying and facts - what kind of building kids go to school in is the least important factor - what is important is learning, hands on - when was the last time BISD paid for field trips or bought art supplies! Increased teacher's pay, or didn't cut janitorial staff hours! Where's the money Thomas!!!
11:18 AM

Anonymous wrote ...
Someone needs to go over BISD's budget and handling of funds with a fine-toothed comb! There is money for a new school and it doesn't have to come at the expense of South Park - If BISD isn't going to preserve this part of History - then why bother to teach history in the classrooms!
11:12 AM

Anonymous wrote ...
Why is BISD embarrassed of the South Park structure? Why else would they not want to preserve at least the facade? It means less that BISD has to pay for to build on a new structure. And the fact that it still stands after 86 years is a testiment to its soundness. Saving it with this Third Option will show that BISD is committed to BMT's 86 years educating at 4500 Highland Ave!
5:24 AM

Buddy wrote ...v Old doc Thomas is the biggest liar and idiot we could have in BISD, he should be in jail.
2:29 AM

No Fool wrote ...
You can't say the judge is racist, you have nothing to base that on, except lack of brains. BISD school board is as crooked as a barrel of snakes and Dr. Thomas is a terrible liar! That's why this is in court. The wool just doesn't go over everyone's eyes! I am with you 4:55 Anonymous, my sentiments exactly!
2:12 AM

david wrote ...
Why dont you all see for what it realy is racism from the judge to all the parties in volved in the the injunction the only reason why they the hertiage society want that building to stay up is because they want that school to remain segregated.No one is going to tell these children they have to sit at the back of the bus
1:14 AM

Frustrated wrote ...
Thomas is bent on tearing down schools. It's a joke! Amelia and Regina should never have been torn down. What a royal waste of money!!!
11:08 PM

Truthiness wrote ...
I bet the BISD claimed "Ike" damage on that building. They got $60 mil from the state. Use that money to renovate.
9:55 PM

Fire Melody Chappell wrote ... She is worthless. Thomas is toast and the board with the exception of T. Neild needs to go. We need to go back to at large voting to get rid of these losers
9:55 PM

Anonymous wrote ...
BISD has plenty of Money for projects regardless of the bond issues. People need to know that! There are other locations in South Park where a new school could be constructed it does not have to be at 4500 Highland. South Park does not have to be used as a school!