The Bayou
October 21, 2009

Daybreaker: BISD's Thomas latest is merely "adequate"

We now return to our weekly segment: "As Thomas turns™," a regional treasure of collected musings, witticisms and tales from our esteemed BISD superintendent.

When we last left our fearless leader, he fancied himself a squirrel. Or was that a goose? It was some such woodland creature. Anyway, he's now dropped the painful metaphors. In their place, his latest "Nuggets of Wisdom" screed throws down the proverbial gauntlet (hat tip to three Bayou readers who alerted us to this literary masterpiece). These, he says, are "FACTS."

#1: BISD is one of the best school districts in America to attend, work in and support. Hmmm. It's not listed here. Nor did BISD turn up near the top when we searched here. None of it's high schools are ranked here. Matter of fact, you can search for yourself. Let us know if BISD turns up anywhere. Plus, there's a meeting tonight to discuss remaking the BISD Board. That sounds like a vote of support to us.

#2: Our students are learning and achieving at great levels, better than most school districts with similar diverse populations. Again, based on our above search, we're not so sure. According to the TEA, BISD has had the same overall "academically acceptable" rating since 2006. According to Merriam-Webster, acceptable is defined as: barely satisfactory or adequate.

#3: Our finances are rated among the top when it comes to well-run districts. Really? Guess a 48% increase in the athletic facility budget is what's known as "well-run." When you make the kind of money Thomas does, one must have money to burn.

* * * * * *

Thomas is defiant in this one. Perhaps the stress of the trial-that-will-never-end has gotten to him. A trial, mind you, that began 'cause the BISD mislead voters on a chamber of commerce-sponsored bond brochure.

Thomas sums up by railing against the media... again.

"These are the facts. Anything else is hype. You have heard the song, don’t believe the hype? (editor's note: Ironically, it's by "Public Enemy") Or, if you don’t know, you better ask somebody what they are saying is worth more than their weight when it comes to media misinformation and attacks on BISD. If you want the facts about BISD, ask BISD, not the media. Don’t believe the media hype. For those who know the facts and recognize the media sensationalism for just what it is, I encourage you to do what many did at the education summit—stand up. Don’t argue, just tell the facts."

Nuggets of wisdom, indeed.


* Since when is brewing a pot of coffee...naked, a crime?
* Lessons NOT to teach your child include: how to shoot heroin.
* Confucius say...
* Scientists over at the Nation of Islam have their own theories about Swine Flu.
* "Wall Street celebrates bonuses, schools beg for supplies."

Posted by GATOR at 12:13 AM

18 Gator-baiters:

Pilot said...
(Yawn).......(Yawn)....... Seriously, THIS IS GETTING OLD! Gator, just watch those meteors in the sky instead, you might find something interesting like lottery numbers?!
October 21, 2009 12:53 AM

Anonymous said...
Man, I am glad my kids are not in BISD.....
October 21, 2009 12:59 AM

Pilot said...
But I do agree about EVERYONE SUPPORTING the REMAKE of the BISD BOARD!
October 21, 2009 12:59 AM

Anonymous said...
Oh I BELIEVE Dr. Thomas - he always tells the truth - LOL Wake up and smell the roses (oh wait - it's BISD - so I guess that's STINK)
October 21, 2009 6:29 AM

Anonymous said...
I'm very glad my kids aren't in BISD. When I attended school in the 70's in the South Park District - we had pride in our schools, and so did BISD students. Once BISD started collapsing the high schools into mega-high schools the trouble started. People lost pride in their neighborhoods. Bring back Hebert, Forest Park, South Park, Beaumont High, French and Charlton Pollard as local neighborhood high schools and maybe you would see the pride come back.
October 21, 2009 6:32 AM

Anonymous said...
Don't just drink the kool-aid about an at-large system either. This is just an attempt to limit the voices of neighborhoods east of the highway and in south beaumont. By virtually consolidating the power to two at large representatives so that those two representatives plus the west end representative would concentrate and realign the power to the west end. Question, what seat(s) would be eliminated to make room for two at-large seats. I bet one if not both seats will be from the districts that primarily include any district that does not sit in the west end.
October 21, 2009 7:18 AM

Bob said...
The majority of the tax dollars come from the west end. Why shouldn't the power? The other side of the interstate does nothing but keep electing the same people that make the same mistakes.
October 21, 2009 7:44 AM

Anonymous said...
Why shouldn't the power...I'll answer that...the majority of people "with the power" would never send their kid to any public school even if a $180,000/year superintendent who they controlled was hired. Because the overwhelming majority of students in BISD are either black, hispanic or economically disadvantaged.
October 21, 2009 7:58 AM

Anonymous said...
With all due respect. The "West Enders" are as at fault as the East Enders. They had their chance to elect Saleme or Trousdale and they failed to do so. They are also the one's who do not hold Janice Brassard accountable for her failure to vote correctly on this board.
Mrs. Brassard was my teacher. She hated this district and this superintendent back when she was a teacher. But now that she can leverage her elected position into more money I guess she's decided that Dr. Thomas is just A-OK.
The Special Ed department is under TEA conservatorship and I have feeling like that won't be the end.
This city, West and East had better get very serious about this district before we turn into North Forest or Port Arthur.
October 21, 2009 8:08 AM

Anonymous said...
The solution is for folks to get out and vote. Not create at-large representation for a school board. Single member districts is the most responsive to community needs because the representative lives in that area. The previous poster that stated that people had a chance with Salame and Trousdale was right but if you don't vote to make change you don't really have a stake in the game other than just pay your taxes or watch what happens.
October 21, 2009 8:24 AM

Anonymous said...
This is "at large scheme" is as old as the hills... If we can't beat em heads up then let's change the rules...
October 21, 2009 8:26 AM

S. said...
Bob, you may be right about more tax dollars coming from the West End but how many kids of those rich folk actually attend BISD?
EVERYONE in this town should be concerned about the quality of education at BISD. The problem with people is they either try to micromanage everything about their kids or they just don't give a damn. They want the school districts to leave their kids alone (don't touch my kid) or function as a babysitter (surrogate parent).
The problem isn't Dr. Thomas, IT IS US, WE THE CITIZENS OF BEAUMONT.
October 21, 2009 9:10 AM

pollabear said...
BISD as a district could possibly receive an overall rating of “Recognized.” Here are the preliminary, but unofficial results from the 2008-2009 TAKS exams:
Amelia Blanchette Curtis Dunbar Field Fletcher French Homer Martin Ogden Price
Bingman Dishman Guess Lucas Regina Central Marshall Odom West Brook
October 21, 2009 9:31 AM

Anonymous said...
"Change the rules"? Oh you must mean like redrawing district lines to guarrantee your ability to control the board..that's how we got where we are today.
I for one hope the board gets redone asap. Then maybe we can get rid of Thomas and find a Super who cares about all of BISD, not just those on the east and south side.
By the way, Thomas makes closer to 380k not 180k.
October 21, 2009 10:43 AM

Uncle Remus said...
Have you ever been to the sewer plant and seen all the fecal matter gathered up in a ball. Reminds me of Pollabear and Doc Thomas. Floating turds.
October 21, 2009 2:34 PM

Anonymous said...
i be likin dR tHOMas.he dont got no use fo them HonkiES in da wEST eND CEPT FO DER MONEY. we lik obamma cause he gonna giv us momie with out us be havin to werk fo it
October 21, 2009 6:31 PM

Anonymous said...
"Don't argue, just tell the facts." Here are the nuggets facts that have come out in recent months: 1. BISD Police employees use their own vehicle for personal business outside the district;
2. Temporary injunction entered against BISD;
3. Former BISD employee testifies contrary to Dr. Thomas regarding South Park;
4. BISD budget on athletic complex shown to be significantly over budget;
5. BISD goes reduces the size of the auditorium at West Brook;
6. BISD goes back on what was promised to Sallie Curtis parents regarding the construction of the new school.

The media should be thanking this guy for creating so many great story topics.
October 21, 2009 8:38 PM

Hate to say said...
I hate to say this but the perception among prospective teachers is that white folks can't get a job teaching in BISD. Hiring based on race not qualifications is happening across the district. Honestly would thomas have this job at that pay if he was white?
October 21, 2009 8:51 PM