- : Nich Smith
[Nich. (Nicholas) Smith]
[Hick Smith]
Home in 1820 (City, County, State): New Castle, Henry, Kentucky
Enumeration Date: August 7, 1820
Free White Persons - Males - 16 thru 25: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 45 and over: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 16 thru 25: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 45 and over : 1
Slaves - Males - 45 and over: 1
Foreigners not Naturalized: 2
Number of Persons - Engaged in Commerce: 1
Number of Persons - Engaged in Manufactures: 1
Free White Persons - Under 16: 1
Free White Persons - Over 25: 2
Total Free White Persons: 5
Total Slaves: 1
Total All Persons - White, Slaves, Colored, Other: 6
Peter Kurlin
- Name: Nicholas Smith
Home in 1830 (City, County, State): Henry, Kentucky
Free White Persons - Males - 70 thru 79: 1 1751-1760
Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 60 thru 69: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 70 thru 79: 1
Slaves - Males - Under 10: 3
Slaves - Males - 10 thru 23: 1
Slaves - Males - 100 and over: 2
Slaves - Females - Under 10: 1
Slaves - Females - 10 thru 23: 1
Free White Persons - Under 20: 1
Total Free White Persons: 4
Total Slaves: 8
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 12
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Stephen Smith
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William Shaw
Michael Shaw
Ishaim Smith
Robert Smith
Michael Smith
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Abraham Smith
frances Smith
several Shuck
Notes |
- Abstracts of Rev War Pension Files:
Immigrated from Germany in 1762; settled in Frederick Co, VA in 1772 where he lived and enlisted and in 1785 he moved to KY, sol appl 3 Dec 1832, Henry Co, KY; sol m Mary daughter of Stephen Jones of Frederick Co, VA in August 1783 & sol d c 1838 in Henry Co, KY & his widow applied there 19 Aug 1844 aged 79, sol & widow had a large family of sons and daughters but no names were given.
Kentucky Biographical Encyclopedia 19th Century, 1878,
pg 188
Thomas Smith... His father,Nicholas Smith, emigrated from Virginia, and settled five miles south-east of the pesent town of New Castle, Henry County, Kentucky. At that time the whole territory belonged to Virginia, and was a vast unbroken wilderness; and the few whites who ventured so far beyond the limit of safety were compelled to live in forts rudely constructed; and in one of these, Nicholas and Jacob Smith took up their residence, and with their families, for many years underwent the dangers and privation of pioneer life. He and his brother Jacob took out a letters patent on 1400 acres of land, 500 of which fell to Nicholas; and upon this he finally settled, and there lived and died; and there raised a family of eight sons and three daughters, who all married before his death, excepting one son, who died after reaching manhood. After his death, this tract of land fell to his son Thomas, the subject of this sketch, by purchase from the other heirs, and passed to his children after his decease. A singular fact connected with this tract of land was, that the patent was obtained from the State of Virginia, it then being part of that State, it having consequently been in two States; and in the forming and changing of new counties, it has been at different paeriods situated in four counties. Nicholas Smith married Mary Jones, a woman of great natural endowments, and eminently fit to become one of the pioneer mothers of the State. These worthy people both lived to a great age, and died and were buried on the original homestead in Henry County. Of their large family of children, but one, Stephen Smith, of Missouri, is now living, yet a vast number of their descendants are spread over the country.
Emigration: Emigrated to Virginia in 1762
Military service: Served in Revolutionary War Sept 1777-1781
Political Party: Whig
Religion: Baptist