- After returning home to his father's cabin on Cow Bayou, now in Orange County, Jacob Garner next appeared in recorded history as a freeholder, subject to jury duty, in Jefferson County in January, 1837.22 On November 29, 1838, Jacob H. Garner married Matilda Hayes (b. January 13, 1817-d. May 14, 1895) at Beaumont, the 25th marriage license issued in the county courthouse records.(23) She was the daughter of James Hayes, a native of Virginia, and Augusta Matilda Smith, who were married in the Catholic Church, Parish of St. Landry, Military Post of Opelousas, Louisiana, in June, 1815.(24)
Jacob Harmon Garner
A Jefferson County Militiaman of the Texas Revolution
By W. T. Block
The writer is grateful to Sherwood McCall III of Houston for research generously provided.
23: Marriage record
24 Genealogical Chart of J. H. and Matilda Garner, copy owned by the writer; p. 147, Marriage Book, Catholic Church Records, Parish of Saint Landry, Opelousas, La.; Rev. D. J. Hebert, Southwest Louisiana Records (Eunice, La: 1974), II, 430-431; Mrs. John W. Barnes, Southwest Louisiana Records, 1756-1810, I, 516