- PETITION BY THE ENGLISH INHABITANTS OF THE NATCHEZ AREA IN 177914 May 2011 , http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/cdm4/document.php?CISOROOT=%2FFH11&CISOPTR=120058&REC=1&CISOBOX=guice
Natches January 17. 1779
We, His Majesty's Dutiful and Loyal Subjects, Inhabitants of the Natches, beg leave to acknowledge our sincere and hearty thanks for your Excellency's great care and attention to this District and the various measures from time to time adopted for the Defense thereof by which means our Enemies are, and have been, much awed by this part of the Country protected and defended and our property safely preserved and kept from such fate as hath been often devised and decreed against it. Permit us to assure your Excellency that our weak endeavors were ever exerted, never failing to assemble on all occasions when called upon by Colonel Hutchins, who on alarms hath often required our attendance, and the same Loyal Principles we hope will ever govern us to act with spirit in the future on such emergencies. You also have our thanks for appointing him to preside here, who is more likely than any other person yet offered to defend this District, to be useful in other respects and to yield a general satisfaction to our most virtuous inhabitants.
We do also most heartily thank the Honorable Colonel John Stuart, ESQ.. for the aid of his Loyal Refugees under Captain Jackson's command who have been very useful to us. And also for the Company under the command of Captain William Mcintosh,
lately arrived, and hope they will be of no less service. And as it is reported by Captain Mcintosh and William Bethune that Indians are to be sent here, we do most ardently beg and request that no such may ever appear amongst us under the name of a
defense, as most of us are too well acquainted with the Indians to put the least confidence in them. And as we conceive that would be as useless and burdensome at this time as those heretofore sent to the District. What more, therfore, can we expect of
them now than at that time can they answer any other purpose than to Destroy the province that ought to support and sustain this Post, and to keep us in bodily fear.
The Indians formerly sent here was a reason why many People and families left their Habitations. But another such visit forced upon us, we fear, will add to an unhappiness and too, probably to the Country's desolation. And we, a Loyal people, why then shall we be forced to leave our settlement and fly to a Despotick Dominion.
We are informed of a report in Pensacola, that the Inhabitants of this District whose cattle have been slaughtered for the support of the Troops and the Indians, were contented with the price of five dollars per hundred, which report we declare to be exceeding wrong and that we have always thought, and yet think it ought not to be less than six Dollars and a Quarter and hope that price will be made good to those Injured people whose Beeves have converted to the King's use at an under rate.
We beg leave to wish Your Excellency the Compliments of the season, with perfect health, length of days, long to preside and your Administration happy under the auspicious reign of our rightful Sovereign, inthroned on a Glorious Constitution; is the prayer of.
Sir Your most Devoted and Obedient Humble Servants:
To His Excellency Governor Chester
1st list
Silas Crane
Christopher Mair
Abednigo Llewellyn
Charles Allen
Parker Carridme
William Ratliff
Johnas Gardner
Lewis Bingamon*
Nathaniel Johnson
Israel Matthews
John Ellis, Sr.
Cephas Kenard
Thomas Jordan
William Joyner
Coleby Rucker*
Charles Simmons*
Clement Dyson Sr.
Clement Dyson Jr.
Joseph Dyeer
2nd List
Thomas Dyer
John Dyson
James Coplen
Benjamin Carroll
John Carrel
Francis Steed*
David Wallman*
David Wallman, Jr. *
Solomon Wallman*
Luke Sexton*
William Meaks
Francis Meek
Samuel Osborne
Alexander Boyd
John Smith
George Stampley*
Stephen Dalba '(Dalla?) *
Jeremiah Routh
3rd List
Thomas Carter
David Holt
Ebebezer Gawsett*
Richard Dun*
Samuel Heady
Daniel Gardner
Jacob Stampley
Dibdall Holt
Henry Stampley*
Peter Stampley*
Henry Platna*
Jesse Carter
Isaac Alexander
Nathan Swayze
James Wilson*
Ira Witmore
4th list
Daniel Maygott
Elijah Leonard
Samuel Frazer
Edward Cartoss
Isaac Sheldon
John Felt
Joel Weed
C. Bingamon
Thaddeus Lyman
Nehemiah Carter
Senno E. Dwight
Thomas James
Josheau Howard
Jacob Cobeen (Coburn)
Samuel Gibson
Patt Clemons
Absalom Hooper
Stephen Holsten
Anthony Brabnazon
Stephen Jourden *
James Simmons*
Sterling Spell*
Stephen Mayes
John Ogg
Robert Dunbar
Earl Douglas
Timothy Hotchkiss
M. Phelps
5th list
Joseph Andrus
Isiah Flower
Joseph Halford
Philip Alston
John McCoy Alston
John Terry
John Staybraker
Joseph Schofield
John Horsier
Nathaniel Ive*
William W. Weber*
John Gayle
James Hannon
William Oglesby
John Hide
Anthony Hamberston*
Roger Harmen
Hezekiah Harmon
Elisha Flower
Mathias Friley*
James Crungetten
William Ellis Sr.
William Ellis
Immanuel Madden*
John Choty*
Richard King
John Holt*
6th list
Isaac Johnson
Stephen Swayze
Richard Swayze. Jr.
Bosman Hayes
Elizah Swayze
Samuel Swayze
John Holston*
Nathaniel Kennison*
Abraham Horton*
James Oglesby*
Samuel Philips*
Thomas Love
James Perry*
John Shunk*
John Row
Caleb King
Justus King
William Hayes
Ephraim Goble
Thomas Atkinson
Thomas Holmes
Justus Swayze Ogden
James Clayton
William Hulbard
Job Cory
Ephriam Thomell
Thomas Harmon
Wm Reed
7th list
Samuel Lewis, Francis Spam, Christopher Guise, Sr., Jonathan Guise, David Guise, Manuel Guise, Christopher Guise, Jr., Jacob Harmon*, James Truly, Joseph Standlie, William Smith, John Ryan, John Talley*, James Lefloe, Oliver Lyman, John Absheir*, Jacob Paul, Hardis Ellis.
* Indicates person signed with a mark.
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Source: J.C. Guice's family history book entitled The Christopher Guice Family in America: Other Families, Harmon, Kinnison, Martin, Siddon, pp 27-29.
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Notes |
- Hayes, Bosman (William & Celeste Hayes) m 3 Feb 1788 Jenny Forman (Edward & Marie Bonet) Wits: La Morandiere, Grandenigo, Charles Piercy, Martin Duralde, Nicholas Forstall. Fr. Joseph de Arazena (Opel Ch: v.1-A, p 14)
Bosman was listed on Militia roll of the Opelousas Post July 30, 1785. He also appeared in the Opelousas Post General Census of 1788 in Plaquemines Brulees. Bosn. Haysse 1 male 20 age gr. 1 woman.
Opel Ch V.1 p 14.(Heb. 1 p 429)
LSAR Succ 1829 Est, 9 Nov 1829 Opel Ct Hse Succ # 471
Hayes, Bosman (William & Marie Forman) b 1755 m Martha Ivy succ.: June 1828 (Opel. Ct.Hse.: Succ. #471)
1793, bought 507.83 acres St. Landry Parish, LA
May 28, 1811, Opelousas, LA Land Claim
Nov 14, 1812, sworn statement, 57 years old.
Nov 14, 1812, Attakapas Land Claim
Sept 5, 1815, Deposition MS Territory, regarding Creek Indians (see notes of father)
5 Jun 1828. Probate of will. The plantation last residence of deceased, situated in the Plaquemine Brulee about 20 miles from the courthouse. Appoint Joseph elah Andrus and James Darwin appraisers and Henry Bidsman as umpire.
Plantation $1,800.00. Articles entered as memorandums $21,242.87
Tracts of: $1050.00; $300.00; $150.00, etc. See will on file St.Landry Parish, LA.