Notes |
- Listed as "of Pennsylvania" in Catherine Garrett's marriage record.
Other entries to investigate:
Stout, Joseph, a convert-born and educated by Quakers bt 23 Sep 1792 (Opel Ch.: v.1 p 107)
Stout, Joseph, (Pierre & Marie Mollon) m 30 Sept 1792 Charlotte Bonvillain (Opel Ch.: v.1, p 41)
Rachel Melon's sister - est age of Marie Mollon - 1752
Listed in 1810 LA census:
Mellone, Patrick, Hartford
Melon, Lewis Attakapas Par 51010-00010-09
Rose Meuillon, b: Abt. 1780, m: Abt. 1800 (if related to Rachel, have to be a bro's child)
m William Wells: (Wells, William m Rose Meuillon (Opel Ch))
1. Benjamin Wells; b: 13 Jun, 1802
Wells, Benjamin (Willing & Rose Meuillon) b 13 Jun 1802, bt 18 Dec 1806 at Bayou Bouf (Boeuf) Spons: Jacques Lamotte & Luce Meuillon. Fr. Louis Buhot (Opel Ch. v.1-B, p 397)
2. Emelie Wells; b: 3 Apr, 1804 of Bayou Rouge
Wells, Emilie (Wiling & Rose Meuillon) b 3 Apr 1804, bt 18 Dec 1806 at Bayou Bouf (Boeuf) Spons: William Miller & Jeanne Meuillon. Fr. Louis Buhot (Opel Ch: v 1-B, p 397)
3. Desiree Wells; b: 11 Oct, 1805
Wells, Desiree (Willing & Rose Meuillon) b 11 Oct 1806, bt 18 Dec 1806 at Bayou Bouf (Boeuf) Spons: Valentine Laissard; Eulalie Wells. Fr. Louis Buhot (Opel Ch: v1-B, p 397)
4. William Wells; b: 19 Aug, 1810
Wells, William (William & Rose Meuillon) b 19 Aug 1810, bt 17 Jul 1811 at Bayou Bouef Spons: Benjamin Wells & Eugenie Lamotte. Fr. Louis Buhot (Opel Ch v. 1-B, p 533)
(Also spelled Rachuel, Mary, Melony, Meloni, Melloni, Milone, Melhon)
Also Pennsylvania, Maryland, Caroline.
If the birth dates are correct, she was only 13 when she had her first child.
... was at the Vermilion Parish GenWeb site tonight and found the cemetery where Rachel Clark and second husband Joshua Garret are buried. Thought you might like the information. Sounds as though it was the family cemetery on Garret land. I keep wanting to spell Garret with two t's. I live on Garrett Ave. Would never have found this information if I hadn't gotten the name of Rachel's second husband from you.
GARRET-BERWICK CEMETERY, Garret Plantation, Bayou Sale, St. Mary Parish, Louisiana
Made available to The USGenWeb Archives by R. Paul Adams (
This family cemetery is located at lat. 29.7027 North, Long. 91.4688 W, in Section 60, Township-15-South, Range-10-East, on the West side of Bayou Sale Road, (State Route 317), between the Southern Pacific Rail Road and the Intracoastal Waterway.
The following tombstone inscriptions and miscellaneous information was compiled by Mrs. Clyde Alpha, Mrs. Southwell Fisher, and Mary Elizabeth Sanders.
Sacred to the Memory of Sacred to the Memory of
Born Jan. 1815- Died Jan. 13, 1965 Born Apr. 18, 1808- Died Nov. 13, 1874
Sacred to the Memory of Sacred to the Memory of
Born May 10, 1852 and June 26, 1855 Born the 2nd March 184_
Died Nov. 29, 1863 Died the_________(Broken)
Born 11 Oct. (Broken) Born 21 June (Broken)
Died 1 Apr. 1849 Died 13 May 1849
To the Memory of My Beloved Husband JOSEPH STANWOOD BERWICK
JOSEPH J. BERWICK Born Nov. 3, 1872- Died Nov. 16, 1896
Born Sept. 15, 1838-Died Nov. 16, 1879
JOSEPH OSCAR ALLEN (2 graves with stones could not be
Born Dec. 4, 1863(?) Be approached due to undergrowth)
Died July 24, 1867
A large brick square, unmarked, contains: Sacred to the Memory of
some four graves, probably those of MARIA LOUISA ALLEN
JOSHUA GARRET, RACHEL GARRET Born at Keeserville, N.Y. Dec. 8, 1826
Sacred to the Memory of Sacred to the Memory of
Born Aug. 30, 1815 Born Nov. 12, 1854
Died May 30, 1863 Died May 21, 1863
Sacred to the Memory of Sacred to the Memory of
Born at Keeserville, N.Y. July 15, 1829 Beloved Wife of Dr. Shakespeare Allen
Died at Centerville, La. Sept. 2, 1875 Born May 24, 1836
Died June 17, 1902
Born March 14, 1858
Died Dec. 17, 1862
COMMENTS: I am a decedent of Joshua GARRETT, and as such wanted to mention the mis-spelling of the family name. Joshua GARRETT, with two Ts came to S. Louisiana in the 1770s and settled on Bayou Nezpique in the County of Opelousas, in what is now Evangeline Parish. Later he moved his family to the County of Attakapas, in what is now St. Mary Parish. Under the governance of the Spanish his name was misspelled in many ways, which was not unusual. In the marriage records of St. Martin de Tours Roman Catholic church in St. Martinville, LA, he is listed as Josue Garrot, and in Spanish Military records, he served in a Spanish milita unit, de la Compagnie de milite des Oppeloussas(sic) and is listed as Josua Garote. During this period of transition, from France to Spain to France, then to the United States there was probably some confusion between the clerics and civil officials as to which language to use to record official events. To compound this continuing error, the name of this cemetery on the N. BEND
USGS 7.5 min. Quadrangle is listed as Gratt Cem. I have tried to have this corrected, but as yet have only met with stiff resistance from Washington bureaucrats.
Made available to The USGenWeb Archives by R. Paul Adams (
(c) Copyright 1997, R. Paul Adams
American Genealogical Biographical Index:
Rachel Meloan
Birth Date:
Page Number:
Maryland Rev. recds; pension clain\ms, bounty land applications, marriages of soldiers. By Harry Wright Newman. Washington, DC. 1938. (155p.):119