Notes |
- A letter written by Ephraim M. Anthony (1836-1908), a son of Adam Anthony and grandson of Jacob Anthony, on 30 July 1902 to Thomas Shofner, and published in the Shoffner Family History, confirms the marriage and lists some of the children.
My grandmother was Magdalena Shofner, married to my grandfather Jacob Anthony in North Carolina. She was a full sister to Martin and Peter Shofner. The children were Henry Anthony, Jacob Anthony, Nicholas Anthony, Adam Anthony, and Paul Anthony. Henry Anthony remained in North Carolina, Jacob settled in Lincoln County, Tennessee; Nicholas lived on a large farm where Chris Shofner now lives. Adam Anthony lived on a big farm on which brother Peter S. Anthony now lives. Paul Anthony lived in Nordaway County, Mo. In my grandfather's family there were five sisters who remained in North Carolina.
Also from Bob's Genealogy Filing Cabinet:
Jacob Anthony's will, dated 31 July 1828 and proved May 1835 in Orange County, North Carolina, states ?I was born the first day of May 1745?.[13] He gave "to my daughter Mary Moser my plantation where I now live on containing 145 acres...subject to the following condition, to wit, by my daughter Mary Moser paying to each of my other twelve children, them or their heirs, the sum of fifty dollars apiece, paying the first payment within one year after my death to my eldest son Jacob, then each in succession according to seniority annually until the whole of my twelve children receive the sum of fifty dollars apiece.? He appointed his son Henry Anthony and Adam Wrightsel executors. He further stated he wished his household and stock be "sold and divided equally amongst my thirteen children." The will was signed by Jacob Anthony with his mark, with A. W. Albright the only witness. I found no further reference to the administration of the estate.
From Bob's Genealogy Filing Cabinet II (
(Rootsweb - Family Trees - Sandra)
The children of Jacob Anthony and Magdalena Shofner are not entirely certain. His will speaks of thirteen living children but names only three. The above mentioned letter by his grandson mentions only five sons and five unnamed daughters. The Shofner history identifies one of the five daughters as ?Magdalena?, but it lists a total of seven sons (adding a George and a Peter).[14] To confuse matters more, in 1950 a Mrs.. Glenn P. McPherson supplied the author of a Bedford County, Tennessee book with a list of eleven children of Jacob Anthony and Magdalena Shofner, along with their spouses.[15] She listed only three sons: Henry, Adam, and Nicholas but gave the names of eight daughters: Dorothy, Margaret, Sallie, Betsy, Eve, Katie, Mary, and Barbara ? omitting her evidence in each case
(Rootsweb Brenda Thomas (
Orange County NC; Will Book E, Page 338
Will dated 31 July 1828
Will Proved May Court 1835
Daughter Mary Moser; "My other twelve children" [ names not stated] ; eldest son Jacob Anthony; " I was born the first day of May 1745"; Executors, Son Henry Anthony, Adam Wrightsel; Witnesses A.W. Albright.
Jacob Anthony owner land on Varnell's Creek and lived on another farm between Almance Village and Bellemont. He deeded this farm to his daughter Mary. Jacob mentioned 13 children in his will, only naming Mary, Jacob and Henry by name.They have been identified on census records.