- 1850 Jasper Co MS 14 Sep
Residence 120
-Parker, Rhoda Ann (Strickland) 45 1805 Georgia
(wid of John Parker)
Parker, Candice T. 18 1832 Mississippi (m Dawson Stanton
Parker, John H. (Hudson) 12 1834 Mississippi
Parker, Elizabeth Allen 10 1840 Mississippi
-Stanton, Dawson 25 1825 Alabama (m Candice Parker)
Residence 121
-Rogers, Redick (Reddick) 62 1787 SC
Elizabeth (Cooley) 45 1805 SC
Mary Anne 15 1835 MS
Elizabeth B 11 1839 MS
Residence 125
-Ellis, Lenon B. 46 1804 Georgia
Tresa 49 1801 Georgia
Ira B. 21 1829 MS
S.W. 18 1832 MS
Nancy 14 1836 MS
Tresa 12 1838 MS
Mary 10 184 MS
John W.W. 6 1844
Sarah 2 1848 MS
James S. 27 1823 MS
Residence 126
- Bounds, John C (Chapman) 25 1825 Mississippi
Bounds, Martha (Ellis) 16 1834 Mississippi
Bounds, William Theodore 1 1849
- Bosworth, Augustus 3 1847 (1842) Mississippi
Dixon, Spias 55 1795 Georgia (b 1 Feb 1795; d 28 Dec 1875 Jasper Co MS
Dixon, Lydia (King) 52 1798 South Carolina b 27 Feb 1798; d 8 Sep 1887 Jasper Co
Halder (Holder), H.H. (or H.L.) 21 1829 Mississippi
Halder, Colen (Colosso) 13 1837 Mississippi
Danlas, George 50 1800 --
Note: Bounds/Ellis relation to Dixon/Holder not determined; but Spias Dixon's (Spicer Dickson) daughter, Rebecca (1825) m a James Holder. And in 1860 H. Holder was living near a T.H. Moffett. Martha Ellis Bounds mother was a Moffett. T.H. might have been her brother
Residence 129
- Bounds John 48 1802 South Carolina
Bounds Mary (Cooley) 43 1807 South Carolina
Berry 22 1828 South Carolina
James 19 1831 South Carolina
William 17 1833 South Carolina
Jane 16 1834 South Carolina
Andrew 12 1838 South Carolina
John 7 1843 South Carolina
Morgan 2 1848 South Carolina
- Susan Bounds 16 1834 South Carolina
- Jane Bounds 9 1841 South Carolina
residence 130
- Cooly, Nancy (Bounds) 66 1784 South Carolina
- John 21 1829 Mississippi
Residence 131
- Cooley, Middleton 24 1826 Mississippi <<<<
Residence 132 Mississippi
- Cooley, Daniel 32 1818 Mississippi
Eliza 26 1824 Mississippi
Nancy 12 1838 Mississippi
William 10 1840 Mississippi
Julia Anne 8 1842 Mississippi
John 6 1844 Mississippi
Madison 4 1846 Mississippi
Adaline 2 1848 Mississippi
residence 133
- Cooley William 38 1812 North Carolina
Mary 3 1820 North Carolina
Penelope 18 1832 Mississippi
Elias 16 1834 Mississippi
William 13 1837 Mississippi
Susan 11 1839 Mississippi
Eliza 7 1843 Mississippi
Nancy 4 1846 Mississippi
Mary 2 1848 Mississippi
residence 134
-Merrill A. (Abel) 50 1800 SC
Eliza (Cooley) 48 1802 SC
William 28 1822 MS
Eliza 16 1834 MS
Green Berry 14 1836 MS
Susan 12 1838 MS
Keziah (Goodwin) 20 1830 MS (wife of William)
residence 135
-Travis, Ezekiel 46 1804 GA
Martha (Granberry) 40 1810 GA
James 19 1831 MS
Allen 17 1833 MS
Mary 20 1830 MS
Soanna 12 1838 MS
Jane 8 1842 MS
Allisa 4 1846 MS
residence 136
-Porter, L.L. (Lancelot Landlot) 45 1805 SC
Elizabeth (Bounds) 40 1810 TN
James Palmer 18 1832 MS
Susan 15 1835 MS
Martha Anne 10 1840 MS
Russell 5 1845 MS
Saphronia Paulina 1 1849 MS
Residence 137
- Cooly Berry 29 1821 MS
Cooly Lavina (Arrington) 17 1833 MS
Ellender Bersheba epsy 6 1844 Mississippi
Spurlock Martha 26 1824 Mississippi
Spurlock Mary Jane 21 1829 Mississippi
Spurlock Allen 16 1834 Mississippi
Spurlock John 20 1830 Mississippi
Spurlock Robert Winston 13 1837 Mississippi
Spurlock Anne 11 1839 Mississippi
Spurlock Lavina 8 1842 Mississippi
Spurlock Adaline 63 1787 Mississippi (unknown relation)
(note: Berry Cooley's relation to the Spurlocks has not been determined; but these Spurlocks are the children of William (1800 GA) and Lavina Winborne Spurlock (1800 SC), who are living in Residence 119 with Calno P and Isabella Moonsson. That household is listed directly before Rhoda Parker.
In Residence 118 is Bowling L. Spurlock, age 3 1847, another child of William and Lavina. He is living with George & Mary Massengale (Massingill) and children.
By 1860, William and Lavina are in Rockport, Simpson Co, MS, with their children, Ann, Levina, and Adeline, age 15. Near is Young B. Massengale, and wife Martha. He is son of George & Mary Massengill who Bowling was living with; and Martha is daughter of William and Lavina Spurlock.
- 1860 Jasper Co, Mississippi 11 Sep Davisville P.O.
residence 749
-- William Merrill 38 1828 farmer $-- $4,488 Mississippi
K.G. Merrill 32 1828 wife MS
S. (Sabra) 12 1848 MS female
Mary 10 1850 MS
W.W. (William Wallace) 8 1852 MS
E.S. (Enoch G or S) 6 1854 male
I.P. (Isaiah Pickney) 4 1856 male
W.A. 6/12 1859 male
residence 750
-- Merrill, Abel 67 1793 SC farmer $4,090 $26,330
Eliza (Mary Elizabeth Cooley) 1804 SC
G.B. (Green Berry) 24 1836 male SC day laborer $200, $70
N.C. (Nelson Cooley) 13 1847 MS male
Rynach, Gandliss 21 1839 pedler $1,000 Germany
residence 751
-Cooly W.C. (William C. Jr) 48 1812 farmer $5040 $6,470 SC
Mary (Davis) 45 wife 1815 Sc
Nancy 14 1846 MS
Mary Jr. 13 1847 MS
John 10 1850 MS
Berry 6 1854 MS (idiot)
residence 752
-Lius (Elias) Cooly 25 1835 MS $1 $1,000
Nancy Cooly 21 1839 MS
Nelson Cooly 2 1858 MS
W.C. Cooley (William C III) 22 1838 day laborer $- $60 MS
residence 753
- Cooley Midd 34 1826 male MS (s/o Wm/Nancy)
farmer $1,920 $30,975
Ellen (Arrington) 30 1830 female
M.J. (Mary Jane) 9 1851 female
S.C. (Saphronia Catherine) 7 1853 female
B.B. 3 (Berry B.) 1857 male
N.A. Arrington 12 female
Francis Travis 28 male farm laborer MS $- $200
residence 755
- Cooley L.B. 38 1822 MS farmer $2,280 $7,599
(Little Berry to LA; Wm/Nancy)
L. (Lavina) 25 1835 female MS
N.A. 1851 female MS
W.J. 6 1854 male MS
I.M. 4 1856 male MS
S.C. (Sterling) 1 1859 male (to Louisiana)
residence 756
- Ellis, J.S. (James S.) 36 1824 head MS $565 $871
N.P. (Nancy Penelope Cooley) 27 1833 wife MS
E.R. 8 1852 MS male (maybe female: Elizabeth listed in 1870 married to Mr. Wade?)
W.P. (William Perry) 6 1854 MS
M.E. 4 1856 MS female
L.W. 2 1858 MS male
residence 757
- Lang Susan 59 1801 farmer $- $2,000 SC
Lang W.S. 26 1834 male day laborer MS $- $175
residence 758
-Bounds, N.A. (Nancy Ann Freeman) 41 1818 Tennessee
farming $3,136 $2,334 TN
(widow of Wm Crocker Bounds -John/Mary)
Bounds, J.O. 8 1852
residence 761
- Cooley, J.E.(John) 32 1828
Mary 24 (Mary Ann Travis) 1826 MS
Nancy 7 1853 MS
C.J. 3 1857 MS female
residence 762
- Bounds J.C. Sr (John Chapman) 32 1828 male
farmer $2,100 $7,565
(s/o Wm Crocker Bounds - Bounds/McBride/Parker)
M.A. (Mary Ann Donald w2) 33 1827 female S.C.
J.C. Jr (Joseph Christian) 3 1857 male MS
John (FJohn Chapman) 2 1858 male
P.E. (Penelope Eugenia) 1 1859 female
Nancy 1/12 1860 MS
W.F. 10 1850 male (William Theodore - fr 1st mar)
Mary 85 1775 Virginia domestic
(grandmother Mary Ann Crocker)
N.C. 13 1847 female $- $2,200 MS
(Nancy C., sister)