Notes |
- 1724 living in St Mary Maryland
Edward, St. Mary's Co., 6th Oct., 1724; 4th Nov., 1724.
To grandson William and hrs., 40 A. "Knotting"; he dying without issue, to grandson Edward and hrs.
to son Edward, 60 A., "Batchelor's Rest" where he now lives, during life; at his decease to grandson William and hrs.
to dau. Monica mohany, personalty.
to son John Spalding, 1s.
to sons Edward Field and Sam'l Mohany, exs., residue of personal estate,
Test: Clemt, Gardiner,, William Joseph, Samuel Wood. 18,321,
Alburt, William, St. Mary's Co., 13th Feb., 1738-9;
7th Mch, 1738-9
To wife Elizabeth Halbert, extx., entire estate.
Test: Samuel Wood, John Urquhart (witness and writer). 22. 42,
Elisabeth Albert 20.1 A SM £222.7.10 £30.0,1 Oct 24 1743
Sureties: James Keetch, Samuel Keetch.
Received from: Henry Gibbins, Samuel Wood, Clement Gardener, Edward Spalding, Bowles BillinBly, Edward Aprice, Abraham Wood, Ignatius Mattingly, Philip Brisco, Thomas Dillion, Richard Brook, James Thompson, Mary Heartly, Edward Mattingly, Bowles Billingsly, Rebecca Joles, John Mills, Cornelius Willman, John Chesley, Jane Smith, Thomas Trueman Greenfield.
Payments to: Mr. Philip Key,. Edward Brisco, Rev. John Urquharty Mr. William Cartwright.
Mentions: husband (unnamed, dead), estates of William & Elisabeth Albert.
Executor: Mr. George Bowles.
WOOD, SAMUEL, St. Mary's Co., planter. 22 Feb 1758
4 July 1758
To dau Ann Briscoe, large church Bible.
To son Samuel Wood., wearing apparel,. mare and saddle.
To grandson., Jeared Briscoe, 2 silver spoons.
Residue of estate to son Jonathan Wood, desiring him not to forget his two poor sisters, Susanna Suit and Elizabeth Banner and for the rest of my children not mentioned I hope they will be content with what they have had.
Son Jonathan Wood, ex.
Wit: David Dick, James Brady Jur., James Broadey., Jur. 30.527
Davis, George, St. Mary's Co., 17th Apr., 1740; 23rd June, 1740.
To mother ---- and father-in-law, Samuel Wood, personal estate except small bequeaths to bros. John and Briscoe.
Ex.. Samuel Wood.
Test: Thomas William and John Davis, carpenter.
Charles Jones 8.437 A CH £97.8,1 £17.14.5 Nov 13 1727
Payments to: William Brogden, Samuel Wood, Thomas Hunt, Jr.
Administratrix: Mary Stone, wife of Hugh Stone.
Capt. John Carpenter 29.239 A £860.19.6 £70.9.10 Apr 11,1751
of Anne Arundel County. The amount of the accounts also included £9.4.1 in sterling & #1691.
Received from: Edward Dorsey, Beale Bordley, Samuel Middleton, John Lamb, Garret Woolfe, John Ramsburg, Samuell Budd, Mrs. White, Silvanus Marriott, William Thorton, Capt. Samuell Wood, Richard Harrison, David Harwood, Benedict Calvert, Esq., Stephen Bordley, Esq., Nicholas Watkins, Jr., Ann Jones. Mary Hammond, Peter Porter, Elisabeth Beall, John Chambers, John Watkins, Elisabeth Smith (widow of Samuel Smith), Thomas King, Burrage Scott, Gamaliel Butler, Henrietta Maria Dulany, Anthony Smith.
Payments to: George Johnson, John Inch, Thomas Rutland, William Govane, James Johnson per Robert Swan, John Price, Capt. Samuel Wood, Stephen Bordley, John Gassaway, Daniel Dulany, Esq. paid to John Gassaway, William Thornton, William Roberts, Nicholas Maccubbin, estate of Samuel Smith.
Administratrix: Elisabeth Plater (now dead), wife of George Plater, Esq. (of St, Mary's county).
John Davis 1,54 A SM £88.6.5 £19.8.10 Jun 3 1718
Payments to: Thomas Trueman Greenfield, William Fenwick, Edward Millum, John Hayes, John Davix, John Barniby, Thomas Trueman, Peter Oneal, James Wood & Joseph Edwards, William Biggs, William Leack, Joseph Edwards, Capt. Thomas Trueman Greenfield,
Executrix: Ann Wood, wife of Samuell Wood.
William Brogden 14.208 A CH £138,6,4 £8.1810 Mar 29 1736
Received from: Benjamin Mackall & Henry Broom, Benjamin Lovelass, John Donaldson, John Bryan, Jonathon Wilson, John Meqra, Elisabeth Smith, Samuell Wood, Richard Burroughs, Richard Johns, Philip Key, Luke Gardner, Thomas Brooke.
Payments to: Benjamin Holland ("indented servant"), MM Randall Morris & William Wilkinson.
Administrator: George Plater.
Samuel Wood 65.424 SM £58.16.10 Oct 3 1758 Nov 8 1758
Appraisers: Meverell Lock, John Edwards.
Creditors: William Billingsly, William Price.
Next of kin: Samuel Wood, Lydia Lyon.
Administrator/Executor: Jonathon Wood.
John Hobson 19.517 A CH £106.6.8 £191.14.11 Jul 22 1743
Sureties: Matthew Barnes, Sr., William Theobalds.
Received from: Walter Maddox, William Cole, John Evans, Henry Barns, Barton
Stone, Jo. Doyne, David Stone, Thomas Keyberd, Jeremiah Adderton, Robert
Doyne, Richard King, Simon Smith, Richard Price, Edward Carter, John Hood,
John Boye, John Stramat, Thomas Matthews, Matthew Coffer, Philip Clubb, John
Beale, James Smallwood, Alexander McLaran, Henry more, James Goe, Hen.
Woodyward, Robert Frankling, James Maddox, John Bigges, John Acton, Charles
Ford, Samuel Chunn, Alex. Semmes, Daniel McDaniel, Henry Miles, Benjamin
Douglass, Capt. Douglass, William Barker, Butler Stonestreet, Barton
Hungerford, Henry Acton, Thomas Morris, Archabald Johnson, Benjamin Craycraft,
John Baker, Thomas Thompson, William Keif, Edward Jenkins, William Cooksey,
Samuel Wood, Isaac Wood, Edward Ford, Jacob Brandt, William Lary, John Cosey,
(a blank line), Thomas Cawood, William Brent, Vincent Askin, Francis Adams,
Jr., Thomas Smoot (Sece.), Matthew Clubb, John Thompson, Thomas Smoot, Jr.,
Alexander Mcferson.
Payments to: Richard Tarom, William Mcferson, John Muschet, Francis Goodred, Mr.
John Chesley, William Neale, Henry Terret (in Virginia money), Daniel Dulany,
Esq., Walter Hanson, Mr. Samuel Young, Jacob Smith (in Virginia money),
Francis Ware.
Executrix (acting): Elisabeth Lucket, wife of Samuel Lucket.