Notes |
- (daughter of Johanes Schuster and Henrietta Wilhelmina Schwind) was born September 07, 1808 in Dietz, Germany, and died February 14, 1877 in Hankamer TX. She married John Stengler on September 12, 1840 in Dietz, Germany, son of Georg Stengler and Eva Lehnan.
Notes for Johannetta Schuster Hankamer:
She was born Johannetta Margaretha Schuster in Dietz, Germany. She married Gottfried Wilhelm Kranz, b. Fachingen, Germany and had one child. Then she married Johannes Hankamer 2-17-1833. He was born 4-1-1798 in Dietz, Germany. They had 4 children. Her third marriage was to John Stengler who brought her and her children to Galveston Texas in 1845. So her full name is Johannetta Margaretha Schuster Kranz Hankamer
quoted from:
From: Jim Burnett
Date: 12/10/2014 10:43:40 AM
Subject: Suggestion for "Our Family History" Listing
Thanks for sharing your wonderful website!
I've just discovered it and will enjoy seeing what I might discover about our interests (Hankamer, Stengler, Krantz and Wilborn families in southeast Texas.)
I do have a couple of suggestions for the following individual (an ancestor of my wife, on whom we've done considerable research)
your site's person ID: 138906, name: Johanetta Margaretha Schuster
(1) You show her correct birthdate as 7 Sept 1805 near the top of the form, but in the "notes" section it's shown as 1808. (Don't you hate those sneaky topos?)
(2) The notes section for her also says "She married Gottfried Wilhelm Kranz, b. Fachingen, Germany and had one child."
We have a translation and transcription of a document written in German by Johannetta Schuster Krantz Hankamer Stengler and others, which shows Johanetta and Gottfried Kranz had two children. Here's an excerpt from that document which includes the information from Johannetta:
"On the 10th of ?(Dec) 1827, I gave G.K. my heart and my hand. On the 1st of Jan, 1828, we were married. [This would be marriage of Gottfried Kranz and Johanetta Schuster]"
"On the 25th of Feb. 1829 was born to me my son --------" [name was illegible on the original]
On the 15th of Jan, 1831 my dear ------ died. [unable to read the name for this death.]
On the 21st of Jan, 1831, was born to me my daughter Wilhelmina.
On the 12th of July, 1831, ----------- died, at 7 hours and 8 minutes. [Unable to read this name, but other information known about this family does not include a son born in 1829, so it seems likely one of the two deaths in 1831 refers to the son born in 1829.]
On the 16th of December, 1831 my beloved husband died, --- hours and 10 minutes. [This would be her first husband, Gottfeied Krantz].
I don't include attachments to email's unless requested to do so, but if you'd like a Word file with the transcription of the entire document referenced above, I'd be happy to send it to you.
Best wishes,
Jim Burnett
Hendersonville, NC