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Matches 1 to 40 of 40
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Birth | Person ID | ||
1 | Anthony, Jacob^ Sr (immigrant) | 01 May 1745 | Prussia | I19299 |
2 | Bartel, Peter Cornelius | 15 Jun 1850 | Prussia | I59483 |
3 | Boeckler, Sophia | Abt 1830 | Prussia | I16408 |
4 | Deihl, William | 1824 | Prussia | I34257 |
5 | Ebert, Friedericke | Abt 1780 | Prussia | I22582 |
6 | Franz, Barbara (..) | 1827 | Prussia | I32468 |
7 | Grosh, Maria | Abt 1800 | Prussia | I14312 |
8 | Heiman, John Henry Heinrich Sr. | 1826 | Prussia | I24493 |
9 | Holst, (..) | Abt 1800 | Prussia | I21340 |
10 | Holst, Benjamin Oscar | 31 Aug 1833 | Prussia | I21373 |
11 | Holst, Mrs Elizabeth A | 04 Apr 1803 | Prussia | I21341 |
12 | Holst, Emille (Amele) | Sep 1835 | Prussia | I21366 |
13 | Holst, Harman R | 1826 | Prussia | I24153 |
14 | Holst, Louisa | 1839 | Prussia | I21342 |
15 | Jansow, Marianna | Abt 1812 | Prussia | I20903 |
16 | Kappas, Carl (immigrant) | 1810 | Prussia | I14311 |
17 | Knupple, Augustus (Knickkel) | 1822 | Prussia | I22615 |
18 | Koch, Louise | 1820 | Prussia | I22602 |
19 | Koch, Okonom Frederich | Abt 1780 | Prussia | I22581 |
20 | Kroll, Johanne Henriette | Abt 1810 | Prussia | I40462 |
21 | Krueger, Augusta | Abt 1832 | Prussia | I40482 |
22 | Kunkel, Anna Rosina (Kumke) | Between 1785 and 1802 | Prussia | I20904 |
23 | Kunkel, Anna Suzanne | 18 Oct 1801 | Prussia | I40485 |
24 | Kunkel, Johann (Kumke) | Between 1750 and 1780 | Prussia | I30928 |
25 | Kunkel, Johann Christoph | Between 1720 and 1740 | Prussia | I34159 |
26 | Kunkel, Wilheimina Ottilie | 1854 | Prussia | I40480 |
27 | Maass, Charles | 1810 | Prussia | I22578 |
28 | Maass, Charles D (Zimmerman) | 1784 | Prussia | I22576 |
29 | Maass, Mrs Mary (..) | 1825 | Prussia | I22700 |
30 | Maass, Mary (Johanna Gantzen) Mrs | Abt 1785 | Prussia | I22579 |
31 | Seelbach, Mary Catherine (immigrant) | 22 Sep 1845 | Prussia | I23941 |
32 | Tittelfitz, Joachim | Abt 1830 | Prussia | I16407 |
33 | Tutsch, Michael | 1838 | Prussia | I34275 |
34 | Uecker, Charlotte* (immigrant) | 1804 | Prussia | I1332 |
35 | Von Stroebel, Francisco (immigrant) | Abt 1821 | Prussia | I98060 |
36 | Wendling, Fredericka E | 1840 | Prussia | I24173 |
37 | Will, Christine (..) | 1818 | Prussia | I32040 |
38 | Will, John Frederick | Abt 1836 | Prussia | I20845 |
39 | Will, John Frederick | 1852 | Prussia | I32037 |
40 | Wippenitz, Adolph | 1790 | Prussia | I31595 |
Matches 1 to 6 of 6
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Death | Person ID | ||
1 | Cook, Caroline Regine Johanna (Koch) | Bef 1846 | Prussia | I22584 |
2 | Ebert, Friedericke | Aft 1810 | Prussia | I22582 |
3 | Jansow, Marianna | Aft 1850 | Prussia | I20903 |
4 | Kunkel, Anna Suzanne | 19 Jan 1804 | Prussia | I40485 |
5 | Kunkel, Mrs. Marie (..) | Aft 1825 | Prussia | I34156 |
6 | Wippenitz, Adolph | 1840 | Prussia | I31595 |
Matches 1 to 1 of 1
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Birth | Person ID | ||
1 | Gentz, Alwine Marie Friederike "Alvina" (immigrant) | 1838 | Prussia | I1373 |
Matches 1 to 1 of 1
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Emigration | Person ID | ||
1 | Heiman, John Henry Heinrich Sr. | 1834 | Prussia | I24493 |
Matches 1 to 2 of 2
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Immigration | Person ID | ||
1 | Luckenbach, Albert Jacob | 1845 | Prussia | I34241 |
2 | Maass, Charles D (Zimmerman) | Bef 1845 | Prussia | I22576 |
Matches 1 to 8 of 8
Family | Marriage | Family ID | ||
1 | Franz / Franz | Abt 1850 | Prussia | F11382 |
2 | Holst / Holst | Abt 1821 | Prussia | F7855 |
3 | Holst / Wendling | Abt 1860 | Prussia | F8709 |
4 | Koch / Ebert | Abt 1800 | Prussia | F8236 |
5 | Kunkel / Krueger | Abt 1852 | Prussia | F13608 |
6 | Maass / Maass | Abt 1795 | Prussia | F8234 |
7 | Maass / Maass | Bef 1850 | Prussia | F8268 |
8 | Wippenitz / Keil | Abt 1815 | Prussia | F8266 |