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Lee, Samuel

document provided to me by Sam Beaumont, grandson of Samuel Lee, 3/20/2016.
(snip) "magazine published by the Danish Museum in Elk Horn, Iowa, where I found a listing for Danes in America (Danske i America). Looked up the on line version and found a Lee, immigrated in 1828, birth place listed, US residence (Jefferson, Texas), occupation (rancher) and then a puzzling notation "aka Sorensen".
The family story is that Grandpa Lee was a cabin boy and jumped ship in Philadelphia at the age of 12. With his birth date of 1816, arrival in 1828 fits, as do Jefferson, Texas, and his occupation. The "aka
Sorensen" has me stumped as that's never come up in my recollection.
I've sent an email to the Danish Museum for guidance to track down some additional info. Attached the pertinent info. from Danske i Amerika."

response from danishmuseum to Sam:
(snip) "Attached is my translation of the paragraph in Danske i Amerika discussing your ancestor (I don’t think there’s any doubt about it being him). So, as you can see, he was reportedly born near the town of Ringkøbing in western Jutland and was originally named Sørensen. (While ‘Samuel’ could be his original given name, ‘Lee’ certainly wasn’t, and most Danes of his era had patronymics ending in –sen as surnames)."
"Possibly Samuel adapted his first name from ‘Sørensen,’ but that’s just a possibility. Seamen from this era are particularly difficult to locate and in Sam’s case, with a birth year of 1818 +/- and an arrival date of 1829 +/-, he would never have been enumerated in a Danish census since the first one taken after his birth was in 1834"

Owner of originalSam Beaumont (sambeau@centex.net)
File nameLee-Samuel-Danske i Amerika.pdf
File Size180.73k
Linked toSamuel Lee, (immigrant) (Birth)

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